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The most popular, most recommend buggy cover, the SnoozeShade Plus Deluxe is the ultimate buggy blackout. It's a great travel and pushchair accessory, designed by a mum, that does two important jobs.
1) Sunshade - it has one of the highest levels of sun protection of any product on the market. The large soft mesh window means baby can enjoy the sights shaded from 80% of UV.
2) Sleep aid - use the outer 'snooze panel' to create the shade and seclusion that helps your baby sleep. Check quietly on your sleeping baby via the sneak-a-peek zip.
It's perfect for holidays, days out, exercising with the buggy, popping to the shops or just when you want to keep the sun from getting in your baby's eyes
Made from a double layer of breathable, lightweight and stretchy mesh fabric that blocks 97.5% of UV rays and allows air to circulate, SnoozeShade also provides protection from wind, chill and insects when the central panel is closed or in sleep mode.
Benefits of the Plus Deluxe Snooze Shade
The Plus Deluxe gives parents several new features including:
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